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Pied Avocet

  • Key Facts
    Family: Recurvirostridae
    Length: 41.9 to 45.1 cm, Weight: 195 to 397 gm, Wing-span: 250 cm, Legs: 7.6 to 10.2 cm, Beak: 7.5-8.5 cm
    Breeding in temperate Europe, West and Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, southern Russia and parts of northern China. In winter they are sighted in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Mediterranean and the Red Sea coast of Africa, Central Africa and parts of East Africa.
    Being aquatic, they thrive upto 3000 meters altitude in sub-tropical grasslands, mountainous watersheds, river basins, freshwater, saline lakes and marine lakes
    Clicked at: Bhandup Pumping Station, Mumbai
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